About the Journal
The Academia
A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Research Journal
About the journal
The Academia is a bi-annual peer-reviewed research journal that provides a publication
outlet for experimental, conceptual and review papers of exceptional quality in the fields of
humanities and social sciences. The Academia publishes annual issues in English and Hindi
Language (only online version). Motivation for publishing this journal is to disseminate new
ideas and research papers (with strong emphasis on realism of analysis, provision and use of
empirical evidence) which have broad relevance to the working and development of various
aspects of humanities and social sciences.
The Academia welcomes research articles from Scientists, Researchers, Teachers and
Students profoundly involved in research from all over the world to report their research findings
and experiences with us. Applications of the publications are open throughout the year. Facilitate
the rapid publication of high-quality articles; the Journal has several section editors and
reviewers who review manuscripts in their area of expertise.
Aim and Scope:
It creates a platform for authors and scholars from a wide range of disciplines to publish
original research for the welfare of society and the nation. It focuses on promoting academic
writing and publication in academia across a broad range of specializations in order to
accomplish eminence.
The scope of the journal covers all aspects which include; Sociology, Economics,
Political Science, Philosophy, Education, History, Home Science, Psychology, Languages,
Geography, Physical Education, Economics, Management, Commerce, Law, Public
administration, Organizational Behavior, International relations, Human Resource Management,
Communication & Media studies, Social work, Sports , Yoga, Health Environmental Science,
Library Science and other interdisciplinary perspectives.
Journal details
- Journal Title : The Academia (A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Research Journal)
- ISSN (Online) : 2583-8830
- Language : English and Hindi
- Frequency of Journal Issues:bi-annual (June and December)
- Year of First Issue: 2023
- Editor in chief : Prof. Chandra Mohan Upadhyay
- Managing Editors : Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mishra & Dr. Mohd. Tanveer
- Format of publication :Online
- Publisher :Kalicharan P.G. College, Lucknow-226003
Covered Areas:
The author(s) can submit their manuscript covering any of the following areas.
Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, Education,
History, Home Science, Psychology, Languages, Geography, Physical Education,
Economics, Management, Commerce, Law, Public administration, Organizational
Behavior, International relations, Human Resource Management, Communication &
Media studies, Social work, Sports , Yoga, Health Environmental Science, Library
Science and other interdisciplinary perspectives.
the manuscript should be submitted via email kcpgjournal@gmail.com or
Guidelines for the Authors
Submit Manuscript at:
or editor_acdemia@kcpgclko.in
Authors can submit the manuscript provided it
contains original work not published either in any print or online journal or
Authors are expected to meet the following
v Paper Format
Manuscript should be in typed in 12 point Times New Roman Font
(for English) or Font should be Kruti Dev 10 (for Hindi). It should be
in MS Word format in double space. Manuscript should not exceed 10-12 pages in
all, A4 size pages. It should ideally contain not less than 2500 and not more
than 3500 words. All headings and sub-headings must be bold – faced, aligned
left and in sentence case only.
Articles should be submitted in the following
(1) Title
(2) Abstract and Key words
(3) Introduction
(4) Materials and Methods
(5) Results & Discussion
(6) Conclusion
(7) Acknowledgement
(8) References
Title: It
should contain, name of author(s) followed by address (es) of the
institution(s) at which the work was performed, each author's affiliation and
complete mailing address, e-mail address for the corresponding author.
Abstract: It
should give the brief report of Research Work and should not exceed more than
200 -300 words.
Keywords: It should have 5-8 keywords related to the
Introduction: It should provide sufficient background
information for the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the
present study without referring to previous publications on the same
Materials and methods: All important material used along with
their source shall be mentioned. The main methods used shall be briefly
described, citing references. New methods or substantially modified methods may
be described in sufficient detail.
Results and Discussion: Results should be described as concisely
as possible in one of the following ways: text, table(s), or figure(s). Avoid
extensive use of graphs to present data that might be more concisely or more
comprehensively presented in the figures or tables. The reproducibility and
statistical significance of measurements, material or biological data, must be
included where relevant. The discussion should provide an interpretation of the
results and their significance with regard to previously published work. There
should not be any significant repetition of the experimental procedures or
reiteration of the introduction.
A short, paragraph summarizing the most important findings of the research is
Acknowledgments: The source of any financial support,
gifts, technical assistance and advice received for the work being published
must be indicated in the Acknowledgments section.
References: Referencing should be in APA style.
Examples: Reference to a journal
Visser, W.
(2006). Revisiting Carroll’s CSR Pyramid: An African Perspective, In E.R.
Pedersen & M. Huniche (eds.), Corporate Citizenship in Developing
Countries, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, 29–56
For PhD
Page, G.
E. (1949). Factors influencing the maximum of air drying shelled corn in thin
layer. M.Sc. Thesis, USA. Purdue University, Indiana
in a Journal:
Mhatre, C.
R. & Ovalekar, R. K. (2013). A study on the attitude of kalyan and
Ulhasnagar taluka college students towards yoga. Entire Research, 5(4), 45-47.
R. A. (2013). Attitude of M.Ed. student and Teachers towards Yoga.
International Journal for Research in Education, 2(4), 52-55.
Cadbury. (2013). The Story. Retrieved March 2013, from Cadbury:
v Language
We accept the manuscripts written in English and Hindi.
v Publication Policy
The journal employs the double-blind peer review process, where
both reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process.
Every proposal submitted for publication is read at least by an
editor, for an initial review. If the paper agrees with editorial policies and
with a minimum quality level, is sent to two reviewers. The reviewers won't
know the author's identity, as any identifying information will be stripped
from the document before review.
v Plagiarism
is a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism in our journal. Article are
screened for plagiarism before, during, and after publication, and if found
they will be rejected at any stage of processing.
v Open
Access means that everyone around the world can read and download your article
for free.